We Are All Ministers

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first and the great commandment and the second is like unto it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments rest the law and the prophets.

Each week, our Worship Bulletin affirms that We Are All Ministers!  Indeed, according to our kinship with Christ and our commission to go and make disciples, we are all charged with ministering as Jesus taught us, and in our UCC Statement of Faith, we profess that God calls each of us into God's Church to accept the costs and joys of discipleship, to be servants in the service of others, and to proclaim the gospel to all the world.

Board of Trustees

Financial oversight is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees.  This board oversees the maintenance and repair of the church property and governs the financial activities of the Church, although their work includes the skills and talents of numerous volunteers. The Memorials Subcommittee of the Trustees is responsible for overseeing ... [ more ]

Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons, responsible for the worship and spiritual life of our congregation, works with the pastors to organize caring ministries, including Visitation and Flower Delivery to the homebound and those in hospitals and nursing homes.  They are responsible for the Membership Rolls of the Church, and they ... [ more ]


The Stewardship Committee organizes the pledge drive that is the primary source of funding for the missions and programs of the church. Members and friends are encouraged to give to God's work out of thankfulness and from the heart, and we trust in God to provide for our needs. [ more ]

Christian Outreach

At First Church, we dedicate a portion of our resources and our energy to outreach into our community and our world.  Our primary vehicle for this ministry is the Christian Outreach Committee made up of approximately a dozen individuals elected by the congregation. However, their work is supplemented by many others and supported generously by the congregation  ... [ more ]

Faith Formation

The Faith Formation (Christian Education) Ministry seeks to discern our calling and practice of discipleship and to help others do the same. We work all year to provide opportunities for faithful learning and formation to all ages of First Church's membership and friends. Continuing our Christian Formation and practicing our discipleship manifests in caring ministries such as participating in the Beth-El Center Walk for the Homeless; organizing The White Gift Mission with the Christian Outreach Committee; carrying out Mission Trips, and much more [ more ]


The Music Ministry is multi-faceted operation that includes six major music ensembles, other performance opportunities within and outside worship, a vibrant concert series and much  [ more ]


The Personnel Committee fosters constructive communication between the congregation and staff, implements the church's responsibility for the professional well-being of its staff, reviews their ministry and work, recommends compensation each year, and is represented in search committees.

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