First UCC Milford is a community that holds baptisms almost every month, baptizing children and people of all ages!
Baptism is an important moment in the life of families and the church to thank God for the blessing of life and to take seriously the commitments we make to each other and God as we life and grow. We invite children of any age and adults to be baptized--to have water sprinkled onto their forehead while being blessed and welcomed into God's family.
The sacrament of baptism is enacted in honor of Jesus' own baptism at the beginning of his ministry. The outward and visible action of water and words are signs of an inward and invisible gift of God’s love. Baptism is the mark of God's acceptance and forgiveness of all God's children that we then are willing to receive.
At First UCC Milford, we believe that it is appropriate to baptize children. As Jesus told his disciples, “Let the children come, for to such belong the Kingdom of Heaven.” Adults who have not been baptized may also be baptized.
Those who wish to be baptized or have a child baptized at the First UCC meet with a pastor prior to baptism. We require that parents considering baptism who are not members of the First UCC Milford worship with us at least four times prior to the baptism service. That way, parents get to appreciate the community that is promising its love, support and care to them and their child.
The Sacrament of Baptism is generally celebrated on the third Sunday of each month during the 10:00 AM (9:30 during the summer) worship service, but the date is shifted some months to holiday weekends such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to inquire about baptism. There is no charge associated with baptisms at First UCC Milford.
First United Church of Christ
34 West Main Street
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 877-4277
All are welcome at First Church! As an inclusive community of God's children, we affirm the radical welcome and hospitality of the United Church of Christ; No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
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